In 2017, Adam Dragun notices a long-haired weirdo named Denis Banga at a festival. They greet each other, Denis gives him his band's latest album and disappears. Two years earlier, Patrik Nagy answers an ad from Matej Myslovič, who is looking for a guitarist. Six years later, Matej, already as Edúv Syn, discovers Prešov rapper Dušan Vlk on Instagram, who suffers from the feeling that he keeps meeting the same unknown face all year long - only to later discover that it belongs to Adam Dragun. The pandemic forces Adam to move in with Patrik Nagy and together they release their first tracks as Berlin Manson. A year later, Tomáš Tabiš watches their concert and admits that they are actually not such a bad band. The history of the projects Berlin Manson, Fvck_kvlt, Dušan Vlk, Temný Rudo, Edúv Syn and Paris is closely intertwined - they influenced each other with sound, expression and lyrics. In 2023, they released a joint track, “Najkrajší ľudia robia najškaredšie veci”. You'll be able to see them all on one stage at Grape Festival 2025. Missing it would be a big mistake. Death to fascism.